
Khaled R. Ahmed

Associate Professor
Graduate Program Director

School of Computing
Southern Illinois University
Carbondale, IL, USA 62901
1230 Lincoln Drive, Engineering A. Room 307C
Phone: +1 618-453-6048
Fax: +1 618-453-6044
E-mail: kahmed@cs.siu.edu

List of Publications


  1. Khaled R. Ahmed ,and Henry Hexmoor , "Blockchain and Deep Learning - Future Trends and Enabling Technologies" Springer Studies in Studies in Big Data, March 2022 (ISBN 978-3-030-95419-2)
  2. Khaled R. Ahmed ,and Aboul Ella Hassanien, "Deep Learning and Big Data for Intelligent Transportation: Enabling Technologies and Future Trends" Springer Studies in Computational Intelligence, May 2021 (ISBN 978-3-030-65660-7).
  3. Khaled Ragab , Azween Bin Abdullah and Noor Zaman, "Wireless Sensor Networks and Energy Efficiency: Protocols, Routing and Management" IGI-Global publisher, April 2010, (ISBN 9781615209736).
  4. Khaled Ragab ,Tarek Helmy and Aboul Ella Hassanien, "Developing Advanced Web Services through P2P Computing and Autonomous Agents: Trends and Innovations" IGI-Global publisher, April 2010, (ISBN 9781615209736).
Journal Publications
  1. Mohamed G. Embaby, Toqi Tahamid Sarker, Amer AbuGhazaleh, and Khaled R Ahmed " Optical gas imaging and deep learning for quantifying enteric methane emissions from rumen fermentation in vitro", IET image processing, 19(1) 2025.
  2. Islam T, Sarker T.T., Khaled R Ahmed and Naoufal Lakhssassi," Detection and Classification of Cannabis Seeds Using RetinaNet and Faster R-CNN", Seeds 2024, 3, 456-478,MDPI.
  3. Sandeep Goshika, Khalid Meksem, Khaled R Ahmed and Naoufal Lakhssassi," Deep Learning Model for Classifying and Evaluating Soybean Leaf Disease Damage", Int. J. Mol. Sci. (ISSN 1422-0067) on January 2024.
  4. Akhila Kambhatla and Ahmed R Khaled," Real Time Deep Learning Weapon Detection Techniques for Mitigating Lone Wolf Attacks", International Journal of Artificial Intelligence & Applications, AIRCCC, 14 (4), 1-16.
  5. Almalky, Abeer M. and Ahmed R Khaled," Deep Learning for Detecting and Classifying the Growth Stages of Consolida regalis Weeds on Fields", Sensors 2023; 23(1):544, Mdpi, (Q1- Journal, Five-year impact factor 4.117).
  6. Khaled R. Ahmed, " DSTEELNet: A Real-time Parallel Dilated CNN with atrous spatial pyramid pooling for Detecting and Classifying defects in Surface Steel Strips", Sensors 2023; 23(1):544, Mdpi, (Impact factor 3.847).
  7. P. Acharya, T. P. Chu, Khaled R. Ahmed and S. Kharel, " A deep learning approach for defect detection and segmentation in X-ray computed tomography slices of additively manufactured components", International Journal of Artificial Intelligence & Applications (IJAIA), Vol.13, No.4, July 2022.
  8. Khaled R. Ahmed, " Smart pothole detection using Deep leaning algorithms based on dilated convolution", Sensors 2021; 21(24):8406, Mdpi, (Impact factor 3.847).
  9. Y. Alsenani, G. Crosby, Khaled R. Ahmed and T. Velasco, "ProTrust: A Probabilistic Trust Framework for Volunteer Cloud Computing," in IEEE Access, doi: doi:10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3009051. (Impact Factor: 3.745)
  10. A. Algosaibi, Khaled R and S. Albahli, "Parallel-Based Techniques for Managing and Analyzing the Performance on Semantic Graph," Parallel Processing Letters, Vol. 30, No. 02, 2050007, 2020. Doi: 10.1142/S0129626420500073
  11. Khaled Ragab , " Fast and Parallel Summed Area Table for Fabric Defect Detection, International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 30, No. 9 (2016) 1660004 (23 pages). (Impact Factor: 0.67)
  12. Ghada Sami, Khaled Ragab , "A Parallel Implementation for the Time-Domain Analysis of a Rectangular Reflector Antenna using OpenMP," Journal of Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society , Vol. 30 , No. 7, 2015. (Impact Factor: 0.806).
  13. Khaled Ragab , Yasser Fouda, "Parallel Vectoring Algorithm for Pattern Matching," Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, 8(9): 1066-1074, 2014.
  14. Khaled Ragab , A. UlHaque, M. Zahrani, "GPS-Based Camel-Vehicle Accidents Avoidance System: Designing, Deploying and Testing," International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control, Vol. 9, No. 7, July 2013.
  15. K. Ragab , "Peer-to-Peer Overlay Network for On-demand Video Streaming", Journal of Computer Sciences and Control systems, Vol. 5,No. 1, May 2012.
  16. K. Ragab , "Simulating Camel-Vehicle Accidents Avoidance System", Int. Journal of Future Generation Communication and Networks, SERSC publisher, Vol. 4, No. 4, 43-56, 2011.
  17. K. Ragab , "An Efficient Load Balancing Algorithm for P2P Systems," Journal of Communications, Academy Publisher, Vol. 6, No.8, 648-656, 2011.
  18. M. Zahrani, K. Ragab and A. Haque, "Design of GPS-System to Avoid Camel-Vehicle Collisions: A Review," Asian Journal of Applied Sciences, 2011.
  19. K. Ragab , A. Yonezawa, "A Self-organized Clustering-based Overlay Network for Application Level Multicast," Journal of Networks, Academy publisher, Vol. 4,No. 1, April 2009.
  20. K. Ragab , "An Autonomic -Interleaving Registry Overlay Network for Efficient Ubiquities Web Services Discovery Service," Journal of Information Processing Systems, Vol. 4, No. 2, June 2008.
  21. K. Ragab and K. Mori, "ACIS-Hierarchy: Enhancing Community Communication Delay for Large-Scale Information Systems," IEICE Trans. COMMUN., Vol. E87-B, No.7 July 2004.
  22. K. Ragab Et al., "Autonomous Decentralized Community Communication for Information Dissemination," IEEE Internet Computing Magazine, pp. 29-36, May/June 2004.
  23. K. Ragab , N. Kaji, and K. Mori, "ACIS: A large-scale Autonomous Decentralized Community Communication Infrastructure," IEICE TRANS. Info. Sys. Vol. E87-D, No.4, April 2004.
  24. K. Ragab , N. Kaji, and K. Mori, "Scalable Multilateral Autonomous Decentralized Community Communication Technique for Large-Scale Information Systems," IEICE TRANS. COMMUN. Vol. E87-B, No.3, March 2004.
Refereed Conference Publications
  1. Taminul Islam, Toqi Tahamid Sarker, Khaled R. Ahmed, Cristiana Bernardi Rankrape, and Karla Gage, " WeedVision: Multi-Stage Growth and Classification of Weeds using DETR and RetinaNet for Precision Agriculture 23rd International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA, IEEE, Dec 2024.
  2. Toqi Tahamid Sarker, Mohamed G Embaby, Khaled R. Ahmed, Amer AbuGhazaleh, " Gasformer: A Transformer-based Architecture for Segmenting Methane Emissions from Livestock in Optical Gas Imaging, Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2024, 5489-5497 ( (AlloT 2024),), IEEE, May 2024.
  3. Aluri Manoj, Khaled R. Ahmed, Ghada Omar , Porosity Prediction of 3D Printed Components using U-Net and its Variants, 3rd Int. Conf. on Artificial Intelligence For Internet of Things ( (AlloT 2024),), IEEE, May 2024.
  4. Toqi Tahamid Sarker,Taminul Islam , Khaled R. Ahmed, Cannabis Seed Variant Detection using Faster R-CNN, 2024 10th International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems ( ICACCS 2024,), IEEE, March 2024.
  5. Majid Memari, Khaled R. Ahmed, Shahram Rahimi, Generative Data Augmentation for Arabic Handwritten Digit Recognition Boosting Real-time OCR Capabilities, Conference: 6th Int. Conf. on Artificial Intelligence and Pattern Recognition ( AIPR 2023,), ACM, Sept. 2023.
  6. Md. Jawad Siddique and Ahmed R Khaled, DDM: Study of Deer Detection and Movement using Deep Learning Techniques, 15th International Symposium on Autonomous Decentralized System (ISADS2023), March 2023.
  7. Almalky, Abeer M. and Ahmed R Khaled, Real Time Deep Learning Algorithm for Counting Weeds Growth Stages, 15th International Symposium on Autonomous Decentralized System (ISADS2023), March 2023.
  8. Almalky, Abeer M. and Ahmed R Khaled, An Efficient Deep Learning Technique for Detecting and Classifying the Growth of Weeds on Fields, FTC2022, Oct. 2022.
  9. Akhila Kambhatla and Ahmed R Khaled, Firearm Detection using Deep Learning, IntelliSys2022, Sept 2022.
  10. Khaled R. Ahmed, Parallel Dilated CNN for Detecting and Classifying Defects in Surface Steel Strips in Real-Time, IntelliSys2021, Springer, Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, Sept 2021.
  11. K. Subash and Khaled R. Ahmed, Potholes Detection using Deep Learning and Area Estimation using Image Processing, IntelliSys2021, Springer, Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, Sept 2021.
  12. P. Acharya, T. P. Chu, Khaled R. Ahmed and S. Kharel, Detection and segmentation of defects in x-ray computed tomography image slices of additively manufactured components using deep learning, 2021 ASNT Research Symposium, April. 27-29, 2021.
  13. Md. Jawad Siddique and Khaled R. Ahmed , Deep Learning Technologies to mitigate Deer-Vehicle Collisions, Studies in Computational Intelligence, Springer 2021.
  14. Y. Alsenani, G. Crosby, Khaled R. Ahmed and T. Velasco, "Towards multi-criteria volunteer cloud service selection", Int. IEEE Conf. on Cloud Computing (CLOUD2020). Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12403, Springer.
  15. Khaled R. Ahmed , Majed AlSaeed and Maryam AlJumah, "Parallel Algorithms to detect and classify defects in Surface Steel Strips," The World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing (CSCE'20). Transactions on Computational Science & Computational Intelligence, Springer, 2020 (Acceptance rate 16%).
  16. Henry Hexmoor and Khaled R. Ahmed , "Real World Road Platoons and Negative Obstacles," 6th Int. Conf. Computational Science and Computational Intelligence, IEEE Proc., Las Vegas, USA, 2019, (Acceptance rate 17%, received "Outstanding Achievement Awards").
  17. Khaled Ragab and Nahed Alshaeer, "Developing Parallel Cracks and Spots Ceramic Defect Detection and Classification Algorithm using CUDA," 13th Int. IEEE Conference ISADS 2017, Thailand.
  18. Khaled Ragab and Nahed Alshaeer, "An Efficient Defect Detection Classification Algorithm for Ceramic Tiles," 9th Asian Conf. on Intelligent Information and Database Systems , 3-5 April 2017, Kanazawa, Japan vol. 710, Springer Proc, pp. 235-247, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-56660-3.
  19. Y. Fouda, K. Ragab ,"An Efficient Implementation of Normalized Cross-Correlation Image Matching based on Pyramid," IEEE Proc. iCAST&UMedia 2013.
  20. K. Ragab , Moawia Elfaki Yahia, "Addressing the Out-of-date Problem for Efficient Load Balancing Algorithm in P2P Systems," ICITCS 2012 Springer, 459-479, 2013.
  21. Salma Mahgoub Gaffer, Moawia Elfaki Yahia and Khaled Ragab, "Genetic Fuzzy System for Intrusion Detection: Analysis of Improving of Multiclass Classification Accuracy Using KDDcup-99 Imbalance Dataset," IEEE Proc. HIS, 2012.
  22. K. Ragab , Mohammed Zahrani, and Asrar U. Haque, "Camel-Vehicle Accidents Mitigation System: Design and Survey," The 6th International conference on Future information Technology (International Workshop on Intelligent Transportation Systems and Applications), Springer CCIS proceeding, 2011.
  23. K. Ragab , Asrar U. Haque "A Minimum Spanning Tree Algorithm for Efficient P2P Video Streaming System," IEEE Communication Society Proc. of 12th Int. conference on Advanced Communication Technology ,Korea, February, 2010.
  24. K. Ragab , "A Self-organized Structured Overlay Network for Video Streaming," book chapter in Developing Advanced Web Services through P2P Computing and Autonomous Agents: Trends and Innovations, April 2010.
  25. K. Ragab , Asrar U. Haque, and Mohammed Zahrani "Wait Time Management for Efficient Web Service Discovery," IEEE CS Proc. High Performance Computing and Communication, China, 2008.
  26. K. Ragab , "(d, m)-Multicast Overlay Network", IEEE CS Proc. Web Intelligent, USA, 2007.
  27. K. Ragab , "An Autonomic -Interleaving Registry Overlay Network for Efficient Ubiquities Web Services Discovery Service," Proc. ICUT, Dubai, UAE, 2007.
  28. K. Ragab and K. A. Yonezawa, "Autonomic K-Interleaving Construction Scheme for P2P Overlay Networks," LNCS Proc. ATC, China, September 2006.
  29. K. Ragab , A. Yonezawa, "K-Interleaving Rendezvous Overlay Network Construction Scheme," IEEE CS Proc. ICIS, USA, July, 2006
  30. K. Ragab and A. Yonezawa, "-Interleaving Structuring Technique for Peer-Peer Overlay Network," IEEE P2PA workshop, in conjunction with IEEE WI 2006 Hong Kong, Dec. 2006.
  31. K. Ragab and K. Mori "An Autonomous Decentralized Community Overly Network Division and Integration technology for achieving Timeliness," IEEE CS Proc. ISADS, China, April 2005.
  32. K. Ragab and K. Mori, "An adaptable Multilayer Community Overlay Network for Efficient Information Dissemination," IEEE CS Proc. AICCSA, Cairo, Egypt, Jan. 2005 (Accepted).
  33. K. Ragab , Yoshihiro Oyama and Akinori Yonezawa, "Autonomic Community Computing infrastructure: Challenges and New Trends," IEEE CS Proc. HASE, Germany October 2005 (Accepted).
  34. K. Ragab and K. Mori "Hierarchical Community Overlay Network for Enhancing Communication Delay," IEEE CS Proc. ISCC, Alexandria, Egypt, June, 2004.
  35. K. Ragab , T. Ono, Et. al., "Autonomous Decentralized Community Construction Technology to Assure Quality of Services," IEEE CS Proc. FTDCS, China, May 2004.
  36. K. Ragab , N. Kaji, K. Anwar K. Mori, "A Novel Hierarchical Community Architecture with End-End Delay Awareness for Communication Delay Enhancement," IEEE CS Proc. SAINT 2004, Tokyo, Japan 2004.
  37. K. Ragab , T. Ono, N. Kaji, K. Mori, "Autonomous Decentralized Community Concept and Architecture for a Complex Adaptive Information System," IEEE CS Proc. FTDCS, Puerto Rico, May 2003.
  38. K. Ragab , T. Ono, N. Kaji, K. Mori, "An Efficient Communication Technology for Autonomous Decentralized Community Information System," IEEE CS Supplement Proc. ISADS, Pisa, Italy, April 2003. (Fast abstract)
  39. K. Ragab , T. Ono, N. Kaji, K. Mori, "Scalable Multilateral Communication Technique for Large-Scale Information Systems," IEEE CS Proc. COMPSAC, Dallas, USA, Nov. 2003.
  40. K. Ragab , T. Ono, N. Kaji, K. Mori, "Service-Oriented Autonomous Decentralized Community Communication Technique for a Complex Adaptive Information System", IEEE/WIC CS Proc. WI2003, Halifax, Canada, October 2003.
  41. N. Kaji, K. Ragab , T. Ono, and K. Mori, "Autonomous Cooperation Technologies for Achieving Real Time Property and Fault Tolerance in Service Oriented Community System, The 23nd Int. Conf. on Distributed Computing Systems, Rhode Island USA May, 2003.
  42. Y. Horikoshi, K. Ragab , N. Kaji, K. Mori, "Service Discovery Technology in Autonomous Decentralized Community System," Proc. IEEE/IEICE of the ASPITT2003, New Caledonia, Nov. 2003.
  43. K. Ragab , T. Ono, N. Kaji, and K. Mori, "Community Communication Technology for achieving Timeliness in Autonomous Decentralized Community Systems," IEEE CS Proc. IWADS 2002, 56-60, Beijing, China.
  44. T. Ono, K. Ragab , N. Kaji, and K. Mori, "Service-oriented Communication Technology for Achieving Assurance," The 22nd International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems Workshops, pp 69-74, Vienna, Austria 2002.
  45. T. Ono, K. Ragab , N. Kaji, and K. Mori, "Autonomous Cooperation Technique to Achieve Fault tolerance in Service oriented Community System," IEEE CS Proc. IWADS 2002, 84-89, Beijing, China.
  46. N. Kaji, K. Ragab , T. Ono, and K. Mori, "Autonomous Synchronization Technology for Achieving Real Time Property in Service Oriented Community System," IEEE CS Proc. IWADS 2002, 16-21, Beijing, China.
  47. N. Kaji, K. Ragab , T. Ono, and K. Mori, "Service Oriented Community Systems for Mobile Commerce, Int. Conf. on Advances in Infrastructure for e-Business on the Internet (SSGRR 2002s), Italy, 2002.
  48. K. Ragab , W. Rehm, "CHEMPI: Efficient MPI for VIA/SCI," Preprint 01-14 of the Preprint Series of the SFB 393," Numerische Simulation auf massiv parallelen Rechnern", Tech. Univ. Chemnitz, Germany, March 2001